Scaling to 4 figure months looks like creating a low ticket offer (also known as self-liquidating offers.) Low ticket offers typically look like services products price between $17-97. Creating an inexpensive product allows a prospective consumer to get to know your business in a low-barrier way. What I mean by this is...

A Very Quick And Easy To Implement Strategy To Make $1,000 Online

Resource Guide

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Social Media

Money Making Tips

Business Building

Marketing Strategies 



Explore the

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Here’s how to get ready for the month of June: 1. Reevaluate! — It’s important to sit down and reevaluate and reflect on what worked well within your business for the month of May so you have a clear direction of what you’re gonna do differently. Don’t be afraid to have that meeting with yourself […]

Here’s 3 Important Reminders To Start June Off Right In Your Business

Business Building

Natania Creates 6 figure business coach

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Can I be REAL? If you want to scale to 6 figures, you’re going to absolutely have buyers who sign up who will eventually put in a request for a chargeback.

Selling Myths And LIES You’ve Been Told In Business

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Here’s 3 shifts to start implementing today for the next 30 days to see a change in yourself, and your business and operate from a place of sheer power and confidence.

3 Sure Ways To Change Your Life In The Next 30 Days

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With a few thousand dollars shy of hitting 6 figures, I want to remind you that after a certain point, you have to give up the excuses.


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Thanks for hanging with me today!
I’m Natania, Business Coach + Digital Marketer. I help women just like you grow and scale your online business with a focus on profit.

If I were to start my business all over again here’s what I would do

Business Building

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It’s the patience many don’t want. It takes on going long work.

You have no idea how much money you can make if you created a strategy.

Business Building

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How I lost a client even when I lowered my prices in order to accommodate them and how they screwed me over in the short term

How I lost a client

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There are wonderful, exciting and WILD moments where everything falls into place and the clarity of your steps is SURREAL.

Here’s ONE reminder I want you to hold on to when your business isn’t “growing”

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Let’s look at some reasons why people may not be ready to purchase your offer and swipe to the end to see a quick fix for that.

6 reasons why people choose not to buy from you

Money Making Tips

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Often times when you encounter reasons why people don’t sign up for your products, it’s more of a reflection on how they view and value progress, movement, success, and money. 

People will always say…

In The Know

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Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.