strategically shifting your mindset into dreaming and creating more for yourself because the possibility truly are endless in entrepreneurship

building out a profitable business structure that goes beyond trends

selling your signature offer as this is the number one way to scale your business to 6 figures

finally learning how to scale your business and double your monthly profit

Here's what you're saying yes to...

the pre-sale is here

for the women in business

Understand how they are subconciously sabotaging their business and then coach them on how to overcome money-mindset blocks and intuitively understand how to show up as their best-next level self

Gain clarity on common business mistakes so they know the exact the next steps to take in order to scale

Quit their 9-5 and take the leap into running their own full time business

Go from making less than $3K a month to working with me for and making their first 6 figures

I've helped women:

 Scale For Profit is a 3 month high-level marketing program designed to help women just like yourself scale your online business, double your income by crafting, launching and selling your refined signature process rinse and repeat style.
You'll shift your business structure based on a proven strategy that generates 5-6 figures. You'll learn profitable digital marketing strategies I still use to date through a mixture of live classes, self-paced content, weekly homework and a guidebook. This round, I've added 12 additional modules and now having 50+ lessons and Done For You Copy Templates + Sale Scripts!

This is where I come in. I’M NATANIA. YOUR SCALE EXPERT.

If you've nodded your head and thought to yourself    that this is you,                                        

you are in the right place.

In this hybrid course, you will learn how to be a leader and expert in your field. After all, people are always in your DM trying to pick your brain for free without paying. They are asking for your opinion and you know you should be charging but you just don't know where or how to start. You know and they know you're the BEST at what you do but they simply refuse to pay. And that's going to shift in Scale For Profit because we have an entire module dedicated to pulling out your leadership qualities so you get paid like the expert you are by elevating your messaging and positioning. 

You want to be booked solid and be the go to expert in your industry.


This is where you need mindset coaching in order to have and bring in more. In order to go from 1K months to 1K hours, you need to shift your mindset. You can not grow your business with strategies that are allowing you to continue to cap and expect to hit 10-20K months. You have to do something different. And it first starts in understanding how you view mone, how you spend it and how to train your audience to view it to invest in you too.

You are ready to welcome abundance, wealth and income generating habits into your life and business


You ready to finally break the glass ceiling of stagnation in your business. You're hitting multiple 3 figures and barely making consistent 4-5 figures but you know you're ready to double your income and take things to the next level. You are ready to launch your offer with a rinse + repeat strategy = hello consistent income! You want to confidently be able to predict your income from a year out and actually make it happen.

You’re so ready to scale your business in profit


Let's be real. Your offer works. It's a million-dollar idea and you know your business has what it takes for you to quit your 9-5 and work from your laptop. But you aren't sure how to sell it to the point where you're bringing in 5 figure months online. You've signed up for courses, programs and other masterminds but still find yourself stuck. You don't know what you need to do first but you know you gotta do something!

You need a clear, easy to follow scalable blueprint




Why You're Here

Your Favourite Business Coach + Digital Marketer

Hi, I’m Natania!

I know what it’s like to dream of having a business that offers the freedom and flexibility you see talked about online. 
You know sleeping in. Making money while you sleep.
Not having your first coaching call unless it's after 11 am. Taking days off without your revenue being impacted. 

I also know what it’s like to build that out.

Brick by brick. Understanding that running a business is a marathon and not a sprint.
And not comparing your journey no matter how tempting it is.
And I too know what it’s like to have it. 

Having scaled one single idea to 6 figures and then going off to run a multiple 6 figure business in months.

No fluff, no exaggeration, no selling lofty dreams and ideas but honestly showing you that you actually can make as much money as you’d like when you have a strategy in place that’s reliable and based on the science and hard data of marketing.

Students enrolled inside SFP and later quit their 9-5, bank 6 figures, have successful launches (from 4 to 5 figures across the spectrum) and shift their mindset and their business structure to running the business of their absolute dreams (and I know those are bold claims and I have the receipts on Instagram to prove it). I love being a business coach!

I have the unique opportunity to be a part of your business journey and help you see for yourself that your idea is your plan A all along. This is the one-way ticket to full-time entrepreneurship and unlimited income. And I’m excited to teach you how.

I know the steps to take to generate revenue by using social media and highly profitable digital marketing strategies. Strategies that don’t just work for me (that lead to consistent income) but ones that work for my students as well.

a tried and true (birthed in the pandemic and recession-proof) high-level program designed to help women just like yourself scale your online business, double your income by crafting, launching and selling your refined signature process rinse and repeat style.

I’m the creator of Scale For Profit, 

I worked with entrepreneurs who immediately paid in full and are now making 5 figures a month

I created a signature offer and sold out it out and made 6 figures from the launches 

I no longer worried about launching a new stream of income within my business and hoping it would do well

I have been booked out every single month 

I make consistent 20K a month without launching

I went from 5K months to 30K months and scale to multiple 6 figures

Here’s what scaling looked like for me:

Imagine launching your offer and bringing in the money you know you deserve without chasing down clients.

Imagine that every time you launch, you know someone will buy it before launching because you have built enough trust with your audience ahead of time.

You have shifted your mindset from thinking you can't have 5K months to waking up to money notifications because your business flows from abundance and ease.

This is possible      you too.


This is your 6 figure
story in the making.

 Before your business scales, your mindset has to shift. This module is a raw and honest deep dive of the internal mindset shifts needed to see your business uplebe. You’ll learn how to breakthrough the thoughts that are holding you back from reaching higher income levels, implementing strategy and remaining consists to your goals. Prepare to revisit this module multiple times as it breaks down the fundamental steps for your journey towards personal and professional growth.

Module 6: TransformingYour Thinking for High Sales

In this module, you will learn how to be the go-to expert in your industry. If anyone has ever sent you a message to pick your brain, ask you for your advice and consultation on something, you are an expert. You'll learn practical strategies to build your credibility, showcase your expertise, and gain the trust of others. By applying what you learn in this module, you'll be able to increase your authority and easily command higher rates for your services as a respected industry leader.

Module 5: Establishing Yourself as a Leading Expert and Thought Leader

You will create your first draft of a custom marketing strategy and launch process. You'll learn how to create a custom marketing strategy and launch process in real time, taking practical steps to outline key dates for your launch and structure an appealing lead magnet.This module will provide you with the tools to start crafting a successful marketing campaign for your business, even if you're new to marketing.

Module 4: Crafting Your Custom Marketing Strategy and Launch Process

You will learn how to market your business by being yourself. I will teach you a step by step framework to using your personality and natural talents that not just makes you likeable but has clients falling in love with your offer. They will consciously makes the decision to work with you and not someone else based on personality. We are breaking all the sales and marketing rules most gurus teach and you'll learn how to authentically show up a you. This module is the cheatcode. You make the decision to work with creatives you love. So does your audience.

Module 3: The Art Of Powerfully Showing Up As Your Authentic Self

You’ll learn how to structure your offer with strategy that grabs attention and brings results to your buyers. We'll cover the important steps of outlining your offer's structure based on understanding what your audience wants. You'll explore how to deliver your offer effectively to make a powerful impact.

Module 2: Strategic Offer Engineering For Success

We are starting first with the introduction to offer mapping! You’ll learn how to design an irresistible and highly sought-after offer. You'll learn practical techniques to understand what your ideal buyer wants by using market research techniques to ensure a strong demand for your offer and increase your chances of successful sales.

Module 1: Creating Irresistible and A In-Demand Offer  

The new and improved module breakdown

You'll know the right way to price your business for scaling to 6 figures. Say goodbye to undercharging and self-doubt, and embrace a pricing strategy that reflects your value and profitability.

Module 12: The Right Way To Price Your Business To Scale

In this module, you will learn how to craft and strucutre a sales pages that drive conversions using the sales of psychology and human behaviour that influences decisions.You'll dive into the breakdown and structure of sales pages and earn how to create attention-grabbing headlines, find the right words to use and persuade people and write compelling calls-to-action in your sales page.

Module 11: The Sales Page Breakdown

In this module, you'll learn the complete start-to-finish breakdown of a 5 figure launch. You’ll learn the three phases of launching, from pre-launch preparation to launch execution and post-launch optimization. You’ll implement strategies to nututre your buyer’s relationships post-launch for client retention. This means, creating loyal fans who keep buying.

Module 10: Start To Finish 5 Figure Launch Breakdown

You'll uncover the key elements to properly packaging your offer in an appealing and visually captivating way and presentations that catch the attention of potential buyers. Because the reality is attractive graphics, sales pages and visuals on influence purchasing decisions.

Module 9: Uniquely Package Your Irresistible Offer for an Easy Visual Yes

You'll learn how to use email marketing to successfully launch and sell your unique offer. Say goodbye to relying solely on Instagram to convert your leads to buyers and learn how to expand your marketing efforts to emails.  You’ll learn how to create my 5 figure strategic email sequence that brings your potential buyers on a journey from knowing about your offer to buying it. 

Mobile 8: Using Email Marketing As A Tool For Sales

You'll uncover the secrets of successful selling using the power of words. Learn practical strategies and techniques to create persuasive copy and captivating stories that grab your audience's attention. This module will teach you how to to craft compelling messages that drive sales and create a lasting impression on your customers. This is needed especially if you’re selling a high-ticket sale.

Module 7: The Science of Selling Using Copywriting and Storytelling As A Strategy 

"Since starting Natania’s program. Scale For Profit Boot Camp, I increased my followers by 60 and saw an increase in content interactions by over 1000%. I booked two 1-1 coaching clients and 4 discovery calls in a week for a service I’m not even currently promoting!"

take it from past clients!

3 Masterclasses For Prep  (Value $300)
The SFP Little Black Playbook DFY Templates  (Value $1,000)
12  In Depth Training Modules (Value $3,000)
Access to the Private Text Chat  (Value $500)
Start To Finish 5 Figure Launch Breakdown  (Value $500)
The Content To Cash Course (Value $1,500)

Here’s what you’re getting

The goods



4 monthly payments of

3 monthly payments of

Flexible Payment Plan

Easy Payment Plan



- everything included in the other the Scale Student + Self Paced option
- get access to 3 private 1:1 session for ongoing coaching support and mentorship
-get access to the Content To Cash Course, Scalable Sales Blueprint Course and 3 masterclasses of your choosing!

- modules released one per week
- access to 3 months of Private Scale Text chat community 
- monthly live check-in sessions
- live in-depth module teachings with open Q+A 
- monthly challenges in the community for accountability and support
- sending in your homework for feedback for tailored strategy  

-  self-paced modules will be released to you gradually, one per week, over a period of 12 weeks
- allows you to learn and go through the program at your own speed and freedom without any rush



VIP Scale Student

be a vip student

The pricing structure has changed.
 Read through it to pick the best option for you.4 and 5 month payment plan options are available by application only for the
 VIP and Scale Student payment plan options.

The Essentials

with a $200 deposit

with a $200 deposit

with a $200 deposit

Natania Creates charges in USD.

I'm showing it all. You’ll get an inside peak on what I do for my launches, how I gear up for them, how I create my copy and sell my offers.

BTS Of My Launch Process

You’ll get swipe sheets of email templates, sales scripts, emails inch sequence and plug and play copy to convert. 

The Scale For Profit Little Black Book

Automatically get access to the 2 bonuses because you're on the waitlist! Remember, this is apart of the sale price which starts April 2024. Be sure to lock this in before the sale ends.

Hey Go-getter,
Here's Free Bonuses


"Module 1: Money Mindset and Module 2: Emotional Marketing classes definitely did it for me! I especially felt something break for me after I sat on the money mindset session. I'm free in my mind FORREAL!"

take it from past clients!

Thanks to Natania I gained confidence in my business again after spending so much money on other coaches. I finally found one who understands what I desire to have in my business. Her coaching is more teamwork which I appreciate. 

I can honestly say I feel more confident in my content strategy moving forward because before I was doing a little of this and a little of that but now I have a solid formula that will reap results and I can't wait to see it.

Within 1 month of working with you, so much has shifted - fast! You are extremely thorough and meticulous in your teaching style and it hits home, very quickly. Thank you!

Natania made it really easy to understand how to implement a content strategy that worked for my evergreen services. I was struggling with how to show up + planning content around my DFY services. You also gave me the permission slip I've been waiting for-- to trust my voice + message.

My course should generate 80,000k in revenue in the year consistently.

Natania has a way of hitting the nail on the head each and every time. Hiring her was the easiest decision in my business so far. She has allowed me to find strategies for areas I feel weak in which in turn is allowing me to turn those weaknesses into strengths as I continue to work on them. I have no doubt in my mind I will hit my goals with her coaching.

I knew exactly what I would get with Natania and it was everything I anticipated. I left with a clear message, a strategic plan, and a bit more confidence in launching again. Honestly, I may need her as a business coach!

This session was so resourceful! I walked away with tangible advice that I know will scale my business for greater profit. Thank you Natania!

Results You Can Have Too