It's time to START YOUR BUSINESS from scratch and MAKE THE MONEY you want...

but you don't know where to start let alone the next 10 steps you should even follow.

And because of that, you're overwhelmed, frazzled and confused on what you should be focusing on because you're trying to listen to the Insta gurus teaching you to "focus on reels", create "valuable" content, get a "logo and website" to start.

But meanwhile, you're still at step 1 and at the same place of where you started with no new buyers, your content is still hitting your friends with little reach. So you're hidden from your dream buyers (who do exist btw) who will gladly pay you your asking price but you're not reaching them because there's a disconnect from what you're uploading vs what they need.

Or maybe you've signed up for other past courses and programs that all promised the same thing: more clients, more money and more freedom but you still haven't reached that place of security where you're getting consistent sales, new leads and client retention.

You’re more confused and frustrated now than ever and you just don’t understand why no one is buying and why you’re making the money you want

You want to land 4 figure clients but you hesitate at making 4 figure investment yourself

You’ve invested in online courses, masterminds, coaching programs in the past that promised to help you book more clients and make more money

Potential clients tell you in the DMs they can use Dr. Google or FREE YouTube University but you know they are still stuck in the same place you know you can help them change if they only invested

You feel like you should apply for a "real job" just incase because your business isn't booming the way you anticipated 

You're a brand new/aspiring service provider and you want to build a sustainable and profitable business that makes you money

Does this sound familiar?

You're a beginner coach or service provider and you know you have a money-making idea but you don't feel ready, qualified and equipped to start...

This program is designed for the online entrepreneur who’s ready to go from making $0 to landing their first client and on track to RECURRING AND CONSISTENT INCOME 

+ Not only do I care about you seeing results within your business but I am extremely hands on and as your coach (like weekly homework, text check ins and accountability). I can’t wait to walk you through a step by step strategy to scale. 

+ You’ll learn how to be on top, generate the income you desire and build an intuitive marketing strategy that makes your clients feel like “wow, she just read my mind. Where do I sign up?” so you can make more money in a way that feels authentic.

In 6 weeks, I will teach you how to start or rebuild your business from scratch laying out the step by step frameworks to yield profit and attract clients  during each module so you start the path of having the dream business you've always loved.


Start from scratch and step into a business that is

You're already GREAT at it, might as well GET PAID for it.

It's time to put this all together in real time. In this module I'll walk you through your launch timeline. This means you'll know what to do. When to do it and how to do it. This means it's entirely up to you to put all of what you've learned into practice and launch your offer! Your launch timeline won't just ba temporary strategy you follow once but can truly become a sustainable business model you use moving forward.

Module 6: the real timeline from starting your business from scratch to making a sale

You're great at you do. You know it. And the people in your DMs know this quite well, too. In this module, you will learn how confidently show up as the go-to expert or number one obvious choice to buy from. People buy because of their confident positioning. You'll learn how to sell your business because it's just that good.

MODULE 5: how to confidently pOSITION your business as the obvious choice

In this module, you will learn how to start creating content from scratch the leads to engagement and conversion. You don't need thousands of followers on Instagram or 100s of people on your email list to make money. You just need to start with content and creating it to solve the silent unknown problems your audience. You'll also learn how to move from family and friends double tapping to random followers buying your business just because you posted.

Module 4: how to create content that leads to conversion with no EXPERIENCE

Anyone can start a business. But running a successful business means you have to treat it like an actually company and not a side-hustle or monetized hobby even if right now, it's just a 1 women show. You're taking this business seriously and so you want to attract people who value it the same. This means you have to have your back end systems, culture, and policies established. Having an organizational business structure does matter. Running a janky business with no boundaries or structure is a recipe for disaster. In this module, you'll learn the foundations to a successful business from the start.

Module 3: here's EVERYTHING you need to know to lay the right business foundation

You will learn how to market your business online to land your next client; even if you haven't been attracting any buyers just yet or you're profit is inconsistent. I will teach you a step by step framework to use starting with the basics of digital marketing and how to apply that in you business model.  You'll understand the blueprint behind attracting clients and overcome the disconnect from them knowing about your business to actually buying. Then we will outline the process behind getting leads or interest from your content.

Module 2: how to SUCCESSFULLY market your business to land your next client

We are hitting the ground strong with a step by step strategy you can implement to make a sale in 30 days. You don't need any experience to start making sales. All you need to start out is an offer to monetize and a strategy to follow and implement. The way to launching offers and starting business in 2022 has changed. So you will learn the most up to date and proven methods to get the ball rolling now so you can not just continue to put yourself but there but moving away from family and friends supporting you to random strangers on the internet buying from you.

Module 1: GROUND 0 - YOUR Strategy to start from scratch

Here's the curriculum

your fav business coach

I'm Natania, and I'm GLAD you're here.

I teach women how to launch and scale their online business and go from 0 - 6 figures through intuitive marketing strategies so they can live the lifestyle they want on their own terms. You came into business to have freedom with your money, time, imagination and schedule. 

I've coached 100's of women in business, helped them scale to 5-6 figures and taught them the behind the scenes strategy needed to be wildly in demand, booked out in advance and create high quality content that yields high-ticket sales.

I've built a multiple 6 figure business in months that has offered me to live THE dream life.

I never worry about money because I have timeless rinse and repeat strategies I still use to date. Now I'm pulling back the curtains and giving you the same routines, tactics and strategies I follow  in this masterclass so you can start implementing them as well.

  •  The Content To Cash Course (Value $1,500)
  • The It Gurl Masterclass + Marketing Masterclass (Value $200)
  • 6 In Depth Training Modules (Value $2,000)
  • Access to the She Scales Membership Chat  (Value $500)
  • 2 Group Coaching Calls (Value $500)
  • Start From Scratch 1-1 Coaching Call* PAY IN FULL (Value $325)

Here’s what you’re getting

just for you

*Sale ends soon! Hurry, don't miss it!*


2 monthly payments of

Flexible Payment Plan

Most popular


total payment of

in full


Here's the breakdown for the investment. And yes, you are getting it at the best price possible. The pre-sale ends this Friday at midnight. No expectations. The cost will be going back to its original cost which is $1,300.

The Investment

Natania Creates charges in USD.


3 monthly payments of

Extended Payment Plan


"Just got ANOTHER 4 figure dream client! Your strategies and classes have been a game changer for me."

"Thank you for helping me create another stream of income. This month was a $28K month and I was off for the week."

"I gave myself the goal to make $3,000 (the biggest I'd ever make since I would just hit $1K every month). But I trusted the process and DID THE WORK. The clients and the oney same to effortlessly. I was so grateful I was able to hit that goal."

Absolutely. Attention spans can stretch with determination and hard work.  People can sit through an hour-long class. The classes will be engaging, with 1 break at the halfway mark and require your participation with opportunities to ask questions and share your ideas. Remember you're paying for this. Might as well get most out of this investment and time. Plus.....we watch hour long videos all the time.


Natania Creates does NOT offer any refunds on any grounds for any circumstances. Once you enroll and have access to any of the free bonuses, you will then have access to content and therefore, no refund can be made regardless if you claim you never consumed any content. By signing up you agree to the terms and conditions in this document and are aware there will be no refunds.


All of the trainings will be taught live over the next 6 weeks. This encourages you to be present and actively engaged in the success of your learning. You want results so here's how you show up for them. It encourages you to take action from the modules, minutes after the class. Self-paced courses are great but I bet you have programs you bought and haven't completed or you did finish them over a span of months and not weeks.


Frequently Asked Questions