Scaling to 4 figure months looks like creating a low ticket offer (also known as self-liquidating offers.) Low ticket offers typically look like services products price between $17-97. Creating an inexpensive product allows a prospective consumer to get to know your business in a low-barrier way. What I mean by this is...

A Very Quick And Easy To Implement Strategy To Make $1,000 Online

Resource Guide

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Money Making Tips

Business Building

Marketing Strategies 



Explore the

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Here’s how to get ready for the month of June: 1. Reevaluate! — It’s important to sit down and reevaluate and reflect on what worked well within your business for the month of May so you have a clear direction of what you’re gonna do differently. Don’t be afraid to have that meeting with yourself […]

Here’s 3 Important Reminders To Start June Off Right In Your Business

Business Building

Natania Creates 6 figure business coach

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Hoping to go viral or get seen by the algorithm by focusing on using reels or simply just winging it doesn’t work

THIS is a Common Start-Up Mistake

Social Media

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Can I be REAL? If you want to scale to 6 figures, you’re going to absolutely have buyers who sign up who will eventually put in a request for a chargeback.

Selling Myths And LIES You’ve Been Told In Business

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Here’s 3 shifts to start implementing today for the next 30 days to see a change in yourself, and your business and operate from a place of sheer power and confidence.

3 Sure Ways To Change Your Life In The Next 30 Days

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I found this extremely difficult to remain productive and effectively time block because my flow was being interrupted by client calls.

Here’s what a choice to scale looked like

Business Building

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1. You’ll lower your engagement rate with frequent daily posting I show up daily because I like daily sales. Do you? The proof is in the numbers. Daily posting doesn’t lead to burn out to everyone. So if it’s manageable and you love it—go for it. You’ll increase your reach and LEARN how to create […]

3 Things You Were Likely Taught But Doesn’t Make A Lick of Sense

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We made it to Friday!! The end of the week. And for some that means relaxing, catching up on Netflix and spending time with family.

Keep reading of you feel burnt all the way out with business

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With a few thousand dollars shy of hitting 6 figures, I want to remind you that after a certain point, you have to give up the excuses.


In The Know

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This is a strategy you can steal and use when you’re creating your reels moving forward. Remember, you’re not a content creator; you’re here to make a profit sis

Your content strategy can’t just be posting a reel a day…

Social Media

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Thanks for hanging with me today!
I’m Natania, Business Coach + Digital Marketer. I help women just like you grow and scale your online business with a focus on profit.

If I were to start my business all over again here’s what I would do

Business Building

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Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.