Scaling to 4 figure months looks like creating a low ticket offer (also known as self-liquidating offers.) Low ticket offers typically look like services products price between $17-97. Creating an inexpensive product allows a prospective consumer to get to know your business in a low-barrier way. What I mean by this is...

A Very Quick And Easy To Implement Strategy To Make $1,000 Online

Resource Guide

In The Know

Social Media

Money Making Tips

Business Building

Marketing Strategies 



Explore the

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How to attract high-paying clients

In The Know

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How I lost a client even when I lowered my prices in order to accommodate them and how they screwed me over in the short term

How I lost a client

In The Know

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This is a question business owners create a struggle with because they’re not quite sure if they should answer these questions in the DM or if they should one of them back to their paid offers. 

3 ways you can say no when somebody tries to pick your brain for free!

Social Media

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Often times when you encounter reasons why people don’t sign up for your products, it’s more of a reflection on how they view and value progress, movement, success, and money. 

People will always say…

In The Know

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The highs and lows in running an online business is a different ball game y’all

How I went from $0 to 4 figures back to $0 to running a multiple 6 figure biz

Marketing Strategies

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When it comes to running an online business, your focus is to bring in consistent sales that allows you to scale in profit. Here’s a few tips to help with that.

2 Ways to Book Your Next Client

Marketing Strategies

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Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.

Let's be friends.