So you’re thinking of applying for a job in 2022 because your business isn’t making the money you want…

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and you thought by now things would be further ahead in your business with at least consistent money coming in that covers more than enough to pay the bills but that’s not your story at the moment… 

Though I am not in any position to tell you to apply for a job or not here are a few things I want you to consider before updating your resuming and going back to a 9-5 in the name of stability… 

1. How much money do you need? 

Calculate all your expenses for the next 3 months. Rent, hydro, car, grocery, phone, wifi, insurance, subscriptions, and recurring payments. 

Do you have that in your savings or just about? 

Can you cut down on any expense to make it work?

Sometimes, the money we think we need to survive isn’t all that much. Once you know what you need you can create a “Bare Minimum Sales Plan” to know just how much money you have to bring in to make it work. 

2. Are you self-disciplined? 

Making the leap into entrepreneurship is a leap of faith. It requires you to be self-driven, motivated, and disciplined to be able to independently create and execute ideas and actions that move the needle forward. 

There’s a new mindset that you sorta have to take on when you’re at this unique juncture of your life and that is: I am going all-in with no plan b. 

No excuses. You wake up each day and get it done with no exceptions. Netflix and ideally scrolling on IG isn’t an option. You’re now living for the success of your business. 

3. What’s your 3-month game plan? In order to see consistent $1,000 – $3,000 in your business you’re going to be a:

  • marketing strategy
  • launch strategy
  • content plan and strategy
  • pricing structure
  • sales strategy

That’s the min for you to make a max of $3,000/mo. 

You’re going to need a game plan though because you likely have some gaps in these areas and there’s a sure way to fill them. Take it from someone who makes $20K-40K months, I recommend booking a 1:1 Intensive Strategy Call! Link in bio. 

4. Are you overthinking this? 

I’ll tell you from now there’s no right time to step into business. It will not make sense. It will seem like a silly decision especially when a 2-week paycheck sounds all the more appealing. 

There are tons of start-up hurdles you’ll face and successfully figure it out as you go but the bottom line is to just do it and go all in. 

You, and like 100s of others will make it. Don’t overthink the first step, just put one foot in front of the other. 

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart but it absolutely is something that you can do.

Maybe a full-time job is not what you should be looking for, maybe you should be looking more deeply into how you can improve your business! 

Does this help? 


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